Shipping bike to Australia

Hi there, just wondering if anyone has shipped a bike to Australia or NZ ect. Any recommendations for shipping companies to make it easier?
Thanks Steve

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Is that permanent or for a holiday?


Worth checking with the Australian Guzzi clubs on import restrictions for used vehicles.
I’ll ask my friend who did a temporary import for a year.

Thanks for the help, hopefully won’t be to painful :rofl:

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Hunt down Huzo on
He regularly brings his bike from Auz to the UK and then tours Europe so should know the ins and outs

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Ok thanks will try to

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I’ve shipped a couple from the UK to NZ. Straightforward enough. Has to be scrupulously clean or they’ll clean it for you and charge you a small fortune. Now I think about it, do double-check the latest rules. I recall there was something about vehicles after a certain year only being eligible if they had ABS. For NZ you’ll pay an import duty. This is charged on the cost of shipping too. Not just the value of the bike. And you’ll be charged GST on that which is effectively a tax on a tax. To get my bikes on the road the first thing I had to do was get the relevant dealer to certify that the brakes were stock (had to remove a screw-fitting braided Goodridge from one bike and put the stock one back on as it failed this first check despite being better than stock). Put the standard line back on then removed it once I had the cert. The rest of it was pretty straightforward. Just be sure you won’t be better off just buying the same bike over there.

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Whereabouts are you heading? Spent eighteen years in NZ. Might be able to help with other questions too. For the record, I’m presently back in the Isle of Man (family stuff). Here for at least another eighteen months I think. Can’t wait to get back to NZ…

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Thanks for the reply. I haven’t been able to find one (nuovo falcone) for sale in Australia in the last few months as I have been looking.
I lived in the south island for 2 years and came home in 2014 due to family, worst decision I habe made. Going to Tasmania at the start, seems a mix of NZ and Australia when we visited. Bike rego seems really high in Australia not sure what it’s like in NZ? Where in NZ were you?
Thanks Steve

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From the UK but am visiting family in NZ where i keep an old BMW, currently off the road. Rego is pretty high here as a few years back they started factoring in the costs of ACC relating to motorbike accidents (statistically more likely & and likely more complex/worse injuries) Highest rego is for bigger bikes, 600cc+. Good news is that theres a much, much lower rate for older bikes. I think the cutoff date is 40 years so any Falcone shou,d be cheap - if you can find one. Rob

Thanks, doesn’t seem to be the same in Aus, what I found out is you have to have a big bike (over 125cc) and you can add on an older bike for half the rego cost. It also suffers by state to make it confusing

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