There was a very good 2 part article in Used Bike Guide by a guy put a Hedingham think it was onto a MG 750S, changed absolutely nuffink at all on the bike not even tyres, not even moved the left side indicators to the chair (he figured if the old bill were bothered about it they’d let him know, but nothing yet), no problem whatsoever, only thing he keeps banging on about is get the chair geometry right, and make sure the fittings “are done up to the recommended torque (bloody tight)”
Mike H2013-09-27 15:13:50
Our esteemed club chairman, Bob Smith, has a sidecar on his V35.
On the subject of indicators on a Guzzi outfit, moving indicators to a sidecar on the later ECU equipped bikes will mean fitting relays as a longer wire will make the ECU think the bulbs have blown.G.
Unless you have tested this Gerry, I doubt the system is that picky.
Well a lil’Breva and sidecar were at last years V Twin.
Hi AdamAre you interested in a ready paired up outfit? One for sale on the Old Bike Mart pagesCali outfit for saleMoto Guzzi California, 1982, 13,500 miles, twin
spark heads, fitted Watsonian GP Classic sidecar, Wasp forks, Koni
shocks, new battery, spare seat, original forks, panniers, hand book,
£2000 - £2500. I think it was in last months mag so if it hasn’t sold, he might be getting keen for a sale.
Hi Don, thanks for the lead, not sidecar only, already the T3 Cali has been sitting there unused for a year or two, plus got no more space or money until some of the singles go…sounds like a good deal though
Would be a lot more cost effective to sell your T3 and buy a ready sorted sidecar outfit. One of my outfits came with an invoice paid by the previous owner for £2900, covering leading link forks, a subframe and professional fitting of a sidecar to the bike (not including the cost of the sidecar).
Just wondering if that T3 with the LM 4 engine is the one I recently bought in Peebles?
It has leading link forks, wider rear wheel rim and a Ural body on a Steib chassis. It has been well put together, and I’m just refreshing the oils and checking it over.