To involve my young daughter in motorcycling, I’m thinking of getting at some point in the no doubt distant future a sidecar of some kind to attach to my 1976 850 T3 California. I have ridden outfits in the past, but they were pre-war and the chairs were built for the bikes. I really don’t want to start getting into changing forks. I just want to hitch something up as I doubt it’ll be used for long journeys, touring etc. etc.
Any advice? Can a chair twist the frame through use? Any types of sidecar that definitely can’t be used with a T3 California? Thanks in advance…italianmotor2013-09-25 14:39:26
The Tonti frame is more than man enough for a sidecar and the mountings are usually connected to front engine bolt or crashbar mounting, gearbox lower mounting and rear suspension mount. The front forks are pretty strong but an uprated damper might be necessary. Having run a sidecar on an unadapted BSA B33 the Guzzi should be more than strong enough.
Cheers, Gerry.
My Brother had 2 different Guzzi’s with chairs on them on one it was a Watsonian the single seat affair and the other was a HUUUUGE double adult child “shed” it was bigger than a Reliant Robin THAT one needed the car rear wheel and the trick front forks but the single seat T3 was fine.
He was a member of the sidecar fed at the time, now lives in Chicagoguzzibear2013-09-26 11:49:53
I have a T3 cali fitted with mk4 lm engine also had a standard 850 T3 both have had Hedingham,ural and steib sidecars fitted .Current T3 cali has Steib S500 but will be changing this shortly for another ural type sidecar it’s very heavy but more room for the wife.The T3 will pull any chair don’t even bother changing the wheel size’s on the T3 or the gearing as its not an issue.Not so sure about the forks though as i have always fitted leading links the only outfit i have ridden without leading links was a Suzuki GS850 with hedingham and that was heavy as hell to steer the owner had a ride on mine and promply ordered a set of wasp leading links.Info any help?
Hi I put a watsonian Palma on a 1100i cali ,pretty easy job,you only need to get hold of ansons will have brackets,or join fed of sidecars ,I got standerd front end,heavy steering but ok,my daughter loves it ,mainly cos all her school pals get picked up in a car
I’m figuring wider Cali bars should help to move the forks around, yes would love to take my little girl to school in it though finding somewhere to park it amongst the Chelsea tractors that abound may be more difficult…
I used to have cali bars but now have triumph speed tripple ,nice and low ,might put z900/z1000 bars on it ,also got leading links to fit later ,sort of on going thing ,great fun
Yes, I must say the footboards thing had also crossed my mind but it seems there are plenty of Calis that do it, if the worst comes to the worst I’ve got spare frame rails. How about a sidecar on the S3, that would be a laugh…
Heck MZ’s had chairs ont eh 250’s and I have seen a Lambretta Scooter with a chair so a Guzzi wouldn’t even notice it there.
Many years ago …the 70’s a mate of mine bought a Cossak ural complete with chair AND all marked up in German Army Guise even to the point of a wooden machine gun mounted on the chair, got it from an auction.
They have a reverse gearbox basically ALL the same forward gears BUT in reverse. Used to have a hoot at rallies in it, of course he went the whole 9 yards buying surplus army kit and German Despatch riders helmet, so then a few of the guys went retro and got hold of ex Army BSA’s and did the WW2 thing, one even got an old iron head Harley complete with boot for Tommy gun.
Back then there were an awful lot of ex film and Army surplus stuff about, My first bike boots were German Jackboots and I got an ex RAF Irvin flying jacket for £15.00 very warm and waterproof too, the leather grey German Officers Gloves made great bike Gloves for Summer tooguzzibear2013-09-27 11:51:27