Some advice and opinion sought

Hi, My new 2024 V85TT is having its first service on Monday. My question is, should I get all the lubricants replaced ? So as well as the engine oil , the transmission and final drive fluids, I know it’s not in the manual to have anything but the engine oil and filter but I wanted to get some opinions.
Thanks in advance :+1:

Not exact same model, I have the V7 850 special - but…

I did the first service (at about 900 miles), and changed the gearbox oil, only to find afterwards I didn’t have to, according to the servicing schedule.

However - rather glad I did, as the filter had some tiny shiny flakes in it, and the oil had a dim silvery sheen affect on the surface. I.e. it had some metal particles in it.

Did it again recently, so now on its second or third - no more metal.

Also did final drive for the first time, no signs of metal.


If the bike is a keeper, do it for your own peace of mind. It’s not a great deal of money really in the overall life of a bike, particularly so if you’re intending to keep it.

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Thanks for the replies.
Yes it’s definitely a keeper so I think I will get it done

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