SP1000 parts

Do you have the handlebar fairing off the SP?
If so what is it’s condition and does it have indicators, headlamp bowl and mounting brackets?

Sorry Ian,
The handle bar fairing has gone.
I hope you find what you are looking for.
Regards, Russell

Hi have a T5 that appears not to charge the regulator/ rectifier unit looks identical to a T3 do you still have this part as may fit ?

Regards Rog

There a couple of good guides for testing the charging system that may help you identify where the fault is. In most cases, it is a bad connection or broken wire rather than component failure.

Thanks Don as yet I’ve checked nothing Di would be a good idea to start at square one :thinking:

Hi, bit of a long shot but do you still have an SP 1 gear change lever?

Sorry Jeb, I ‘m afraid I can’t help you on this occasion.
Good luck with your search.