My mate has a Stelvio and he has a warning message with a red triangle saying service where the trip Info normally is and the bike is dead. Any ideas?
Sounds like the bike is dead!?
Seriously, I assume he needs to either get it to a dealer or plug in and see if there are any helpful error codes to work on.
I assume he has done the basics; fully charged battery, good connections/earth, engine not seized, sufficient oil etc.
Might be helpful to know what works and what doesn’t, lights, horn, starter clicking?, any other warning lights. Doubt it could be a fuse issue, but would still check them for clues.
Any scorch marks or smell of burning anywhere?
Thanks Jim
I will ask him. I think he said that the oil was low and he topped it up. I wonder if it is something to do with the pressure sensor.
a) did he ride it in the rain recently?
b) has the speedo done funny things recently?
Perhaps disconnect the battery and leave the key “ON” for a few hours. Then see if the system will boot up normally.
Thanks for your help
Had chat with him last night and he had ridden it in the rain and snow. Everything lights up and the engine turns over so I think some damp has got in somewhere. I have told him to let it dry out and try disconnecting the battery leave it overnight and reconnect.
Right - I know its a Stelvio and not a Breva 1100 but have a look at Fuse D and read this Breva 1100 ECU disconnected (summary on reply #38)
Thanks Tris I will get him to look at that.