Sticky gear lever or brake pedal?

This post significantly improved due to advice from @royston A few days ago i started getting poor down-changes because the gear lever was stiffening up (Mine is a 2022 e5 model).

To check this; undo the Allen bolt on the lever pivot while holding the 13mm Stover (self locking) nut behind the lever mount. It is very close to the centre stand so i used an open ended spanner.

Remove the thick washer on one side of the lever pivot then remove the steel top-hat bush from inside the gear lever. There is an “O” ring around the top-hat bush on both sides sitting in the recess before the gear lever bush! On mine the top hat bush had started to corrode and was jamming in the bush. Sanded corrosion off the top-hat bush (1200 wet & dry paper with WD40 gives a nice finish). Greased and re-assembled.

Found the same on brake side! The disassembly was the same but slower as the fork-clip pin that connects the lever to the operating rod was seized to the lever! Nb Guzzi use a rubber “0” ring around the clip on the “fork clip” to secure it, so it wont come off until you move that.

The ride? - just 100 ml around Gloucs and Wilts, only one shallow flood at Lyneham

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I found the same in my 2019. Lever failed to return to horizontal so no further gear selection could be made. I went the same route!. Greased the pivot bolt and fitted a nylon nut. Worth doing this with the side stand pivot bolt too, may I add, as I’d lost the nut apparently. It’s an M10 fine pitch nut. I’ve not checked the brake pivot though. Thanks for that tip.

Suggest using a PTFE spray lubricant such as WD40 dry lubricant - available at Screwfix, and not oily like normal grease.

It’s quite common, yearly grease up will stop it happening at an in opportune moment

The lever does not pivot on the bolt, in fact the bolt holds a top hat bush in place and the lever pivots on this. So remove bolt, pull out the top hat bush and don’t loose the o rings then clean and grease the outer of the bush. A smear of grease on everything to stop rust. Job done.

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Thank you for the very useful advice @royston
I have just gone out and done the job properly and also corrected my post at the top of this thread.

Thanks again