Sunday saw a wet start for Danum branch meet at the Old Station house cafe, near Snaith. It was just a small group of 6 this week, 4 on bikes and 2 in cars. After the usual breakfast, coffee and catch up it was off to Squire’s cafe. Ian was nominated to lead the bikes. Taking us long the minor roads and around the houses. And I do mean around the houses as he missed a right turn. So it’s a left, left, left, left, left and right into a cul-de-sac. Taking the correct right turn, we were back on our way to Squire’s. After a coffee and setting the world to right, we’re back on the bikes and the sun is shining. This time it’s Captain Kirk leading the way along the minor roads and through villages of southern North Yorkshire, ending at Holme-on-Spalding-Moor for yet another coffee.
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