T3 California front brake master cylinder

Having just bought this bike, the front brake is completely ineffective. Fortunately it retains the linked brakes which I like.

I suspect the master cylinder is too big. Can anyone direct me to the correct part please?

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There was a recent discussion about just this topic. If you search master cylinder it should come up.
What year is your Cali? The early ones had a 15mm master cylinder which certainly gives a very wooden feel.
It would be an idea to check the pads & possibly replace them.

This should be that conversation

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Thanks for that, Don.

Mine is a 1980 model. I believe the correct cylinder is a PS11.

@Nik_Wallis did answer your question in the other thread where you (also) asked about the front mcyl. He advised a PS12.

Check a MG parts list and the required front mcyl for a T3 is 17660252 - cross reference that number on the Gutsibits site, for example, and: Master Cylinder PS12

Original type currently unavailable from that source, but they offer an alternative… as did Nik, as I recall?

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Check if the caliper pistons are plain steel, in which case could be rusted up? Happened to me, popular fix is replace with teflon coated alloy pistons. I’m presuming such are still available.


Good call. Have seen a number of bikes with new master cylinders, hoses and pads that also had corroded pistons.

That’s a great suggestion - thanks.

I think I have a bunch of new P8 pistons lying around the garage. I knew I kept them for a reason!


So. Lots of good advice above. My take fwiw. First. It probably worked when it came out of the factory. And anyway changing the master cylinder will cost. First fit new good quality pads. My favourite are ebc ff. If that works - happy days. Next I would bleed the system replacing all the fluid with new. Those are the only things you can do without an overhaul . To overhaul it. Caliper seal kit. Master cylinder kit. New brake line. In the process it all gets cleaned and checked. Last option is smaller master cylinder. Btw. The size should be cast into the master cylinder. If not obvious you can carefully take the brake lever off and measure the bore. It’s almost certainly either 12 or 15mm. If it’s 15mm then changing to 12 will give a more progressive feeling brake but you may struggle to get it to go solid before the lever hits the bars.


Sounds like good advice - thanks :+1:

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Hi have one of these and a Ducati from the same era 1978. Recently had the brakes overhauled ( duke) with new pistons coated type and rebuilt master cylinder by Paddy Ducati . Think M cylinder needs special tool. He is very knowledgeable and ex toolmaker so that would be my first call :thinking:


That’s great - thanks for the advice.

I fitted a PS12 master cylinder yesterday and it’s much improved. There is still some way to go but at least it slows the bike now :grimacing:.



I sent mine to Ducati Paddy who rebuilt for a very reasonable price, took all the slop out of the lever and sent it back in a week, highly recommend

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