
I have a Cali 1100i 1996 with the tacho not working. Has anyone fitted another make of tacho into the original housing and dial face? Any help or ideas will be appreciated.

Hi Lawrence - and welcome. I don’t have the answer and do not necessarily suggest it will be found already, but do try the search function (look for :mag_right:) - I tapped in ‘tacho’ and quite a number of results came up. If nothing else they might make interesting reading until someone turns up with an answer for you.

On a related note, if you search on posts ‘tagged’ Cali1100, you might similarly find some potentially useful stuff. HTH.

Hello Laurence, I should imagine it’s electronic in that case to will probably have a larger dial face with three wiring terminals. plus minus and earth spades.
I recently helped my neighbour who had the same problem with his late Cali 3
I had a cosmeticly smaller damaged tacho that worked, when I dismantled it I discovered it had identical internals.
You can pick damaged clocks up online as long as they work OK
The hard bit is removing the front ring without damaging it.
The best was I found is to put it on a soft surface and using a sharp screwdriver about 4mm, gently pry the rear of the ring out turning it a little at a time be patient and you will slowly stretch the ring lip without creasing it.
To remove the dial needle cover it with thick polythene and prey it up using two small levers, this protects the dial face.
The face is held by two very small screws, and the electronic mechanism by two screws on the back of the case.
Re-assemble in reverse and use a small hammer to gently persuade the bezel ring back around the case again, patients gets best results,.


Drilling a small hole to cut the edge of the bezel gives a starting point to prize it back.
Use a jubilee clip to stop the outer ring of the bezel from stretching because once it goes you cant get it back.
The Jubilee clip is shown here when refitting the bezel. This was for a speedo but principal is the same


Thanks for the tip I’ll have a go tomorrow.

Thanks for the tip I’ll give it a go.