The hot leg on the left-hand cylinder head...

As in ‘burned’ not simply hot - when not wearing protective trousers. Famous problem I think. Some of the older Guzzi models had an option for screening the cylinder head - can’t find one for the v7 850. Any ideas? Maybe just better trousers?!

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Not had this problem (I have V7 850 Special 2021). I like to have my knees just rear of the ‘bulges’ in the sides of the tank. Never heard of ‘screens’. I think it was the G5 had rubber faced knee-pads behind the rocker covers.(?) Early Spada and Le Mans II had fairing lowers, which were mainly just cosmetic. Could be a right nuisance if your knees were constantly banging into them, as not really enough room for engine, fairing and knees!

Do you have especially long legs?

thanks Mike, no I’m v average height, under 6’ and average leg length - maybe i’m just sitting in the wrong position, it’s the top of my left shin that catches the bag of the cylinder head, my legs don’t come v near the tank at all… footpegs further back would help. Sigh!

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If it helps, I have taken to riding with the balls of my feet on the pegs, not the arches - if that makes sense. Read or heard about it somewhere. (One thing it does is make sure you are not inadvertently ‘riding’ the brake pedal. Before the V7 I had a Ural, and it was an issue with that.)

Bit weird at first, second nature now.

thanks Mike, yes this works for me too - challenge is that we live in inner London and a lot of the (warm weather) riding is short distances with a lot of use of the legs up/down stop/start. Need to develop the habit!

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