Advice from the Doctor, because of chemo, but because I have always been fit, never smoked, drink or obese, She said a long as you feel ok , carry on
I just need to pay attention to meal breaks and tablets
I am 65 in a few weeks time, but my fitness levels came out as 45, thats a life time working outside and not sitting on my arse pressing button on a computer, walking and cycling rather than driving
I am however banned from siring children, which no doubt pleases my wife ( she is 63) so probably not likely
normally the treatment I am on would not start for some months and be a very small dose, but they hit me with everything in one go, and I am part of a research scheme, so that my results will help others who may suffer from this disease in the future
after losing three people close to me, two of them whilst i was in Hospital, I am not in a mood to sit down and be negative
after christmas I start stem cell, treatment, from that point, I will be medically unfit to drive or motorcycle, but being in an isolation ward for 6 weeks, i wont be too worried, then its a month of R an R at home, and back to walking first the cycling
for me a fit person who evrey one relies upon and who sorts out everybody elses problems, it was a bit of a shock to collapse and end up in an ambulance, and nearly kark it
oh and if you are trying to be smart about the not allowed bit, dont waste your time picking an argument with me, I have a get out of jail free card !!
Look up Myeloma its a cancer that forms in the blood, most often seen in older people I was only diagnosed early because i had been working too hard, trying to finish two daughters house and my normal work, and worrying about my parents, end result I collapsed, , luckily the hospital after they decided what to do with me, kept me in to find out why I was aneamic, and had no blood in my system
I can tell you where it went !
it turns out that my Doctor a fantastic young man, from Nigeria specialized in Myeloma as part of his training at a major London Hospital, and the local hospital examined me, and after many tests including taking Bone Marrow samples, diagnosed the disease then got moving very quickly
ps I hate needles and giving blood, and I have to give multiple samples evrey time, so that the research clinics can improve their database of knowledge, and they hope within ten years this can be detected by a routine blood test, and a simple improved treatment
oddly very few people take up the offer of joining the scheme, possibly paranoia about personal details being shared, I dont give a damm, as I am mixed race , and the info they take is genetic, who knows you might be the lucky recipient of the new advanced treatment should you be unfortunate enough to be diagnosed
for me I view it as a positive, i wound down by business, and will only go back to work part time, offloaded lots of things I didnt need, and now work for a local charity even more, and found out how many true and great friends i have
but it has made me value time even more, and a few people who have messed me about , and bimbled on got shouted at and told to not bother me again