Travel insurance

Any suggestions for a decent travel insurance policy (not a bike policy) for a bike trip to Europe this year

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The Post Office used to do a good value one.

Don’t know how much now, but I use to use Europ Assistance

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I have just bought post office insurance. They seemed to be the best value on comparison sites


If you’re fit and well with no chronic conditions then Post Office is good. My son used it when working in France and it was used by a number of his colleagues.
If you’re not the epitome of health then AllClear are very good.

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Hi, perhaps surprisingly the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) does a fair policy - we are on our second full-annual one and it covers a great many sports and outdoor activities you can name plus a load I’ve never heard of. Motorcycling (not off-road) is in there. They do the same for short-term I think. I’m talking about a Europe-wide policy here, there are also Rest of World +/- North America. I’ve got another idea if this doesn’t work for you but will have to go back to the records for that!

I should also say that my experience of the PO was that it took almost a year and a full complaint procedure to settle on a relatively minor covid-related travel claim. Never again. Of course, they are just the brand - it’s the underwriters who operate the policy you have to watch out for.