V35 Oil pressure light

Click - no start - now fixed, so a new problem has manifested itself.

The oil light no longer illuminates (at all). I did a recent oil and filter change so I know there’s plenty of the correct oil and the engine is running fine.

However, I have tested the oil pressure switch for resistance (using the 200 ohm setting on my multi-meter) and I’m getting a reading of “1”, so it’s open circuit and likely needs replacing. More concerning, the feed wire (blue/black) was showing 2.3 volts, whereas I was expecting 12! The usual bodge to test the oil light is to earth the feed wire with the ignition on at which point it should illuminate - it doesn’t, but at 2.3 volts I’m not surprised.

So I suspect a corroded or frayed wire somewhere under the petrol tank or in the steering head area.

Anyone got any experience of this fault and its resolution?


A fastest one? Switch to LEDs, they go on much quicker, even on poor voltage. But OK, I know, not that easy to find LED in the shape of our idiot lights. If you got wiring diagram, see where connectors are hidden on way from actual bulb to feed - as long as I remember plenty of dash bulbs are fed from common +ve, so I’d expect poor feedback from neutral and charging too.
Also the under-the-tank 12- or 15-pin blocks are known to be very Italian. look into them. And then, please report.

Did you manage to sort out the oil pressure light?

Which V35 is it?

Yes, sorted with a replacement switch (from Gutsibits) and a new bulb (in stock in a motor factors in Keighley for £1 each) and a general clean up of the earths. It’s a V35II (i.e. equivalent to a V50III).

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