Click - no start - now fixed, so a new problem has manifested itself.
The oil light no longer illuminates (at all). I did a recent oil and filter change so I know there’s plenty of the correct oil and the engine is running fine.
However, I have tested the oil pressure switch for resistance (using the 200 ohm setting on my multi-meter) and I’m getting a reading of “1”, so it’s open circuit and likely needs replacing. More concerning, the feed wire (blue/black) was showing 2.3 volts, whereas I was expecting 12! The usual bodge to test the oil light is to earth the feed wire with the ignition on at which point it should illuminate - it doesn’t, but at 2.3 volts I’m not surprised.
So I suspect a corroded or frayed wire somewhere under the petrol tank or in the steering head area.
Anyone got any experience of this fault and its resolution?