V35 steering head bearings

I’m looking at putting tapered bearings on my V35 as the cup and cone ones are buggered and the bearings are readily available. Wondered what else I would need? Spacers, dust seals, etc.

Essex bearings in Maldon will match them click here call them. If you are not local send the old bearings in the post and they will match them.

I have used them many times before and they offer a good service.


I don’t think it is quite as simple as swapping the old cup n cones for taper roller as I suspect the dimensions are to small to acommodate a taper roller bearing.
Gutsibits do sell a conversion kit.

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I did it, simply made one seat for a tapered bearing and fitted it at the bottom of the head; then all the down-force is applied to bottom one, and side force to top one - apparently if tapered bearings become tired, it is top which gives up first. So not sure if I made right choice - until I ceck it in distant future. Of what I can remember and advise, you have to keep in mind, the distance between the yokes will increase, and a pair of rubber push-in “seals” will have to be fitted to compensate the gap.

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i have fitted taper roller bearings to my wifes v50, i purchased the conversion from gutsibits but it took quite a time to arrive the bearing cups were made in america. in the meantime i picked up a bearing cup which fits the headstock to take taper roller bearings and made my own i bought decent bearings from ebay german made and fitted them to the bike.
i still have the gutsibits conversion this cost around £140 which i would sell for less or i can make the parts andsupply the bearings if you were interested.
my email is graham.cooper643@outlook.com

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Thanks Graham, I’m going to get a used cup from Gutsi bits to tide me by for the moment with ball bearings and look at doing a conversion in the future.
Did you make your own bearing cup for the tapered roller bearings from an old ball bearing cup?
If so I have a friend who knows his way around a lathe who knows what he’s doing…

hi just got your message the cup for the taper roller bearing is much larger tlm do a conversion listed on ebay and say just to fit the bottom roller bearing as there is not room for both.
i fitted top and bottom bearings to my wifes bike a v50/3 it was fairly tight but it worked
gutsibits offered me a used bearing cup but i doubted it would be any better than what we had.
the taper roller bearings sold are the same size as for the big block guzzis you cant get a taper roller small enough to fit the v50/v35 .
i machined the cup from a solid piece of stainless steel
hope this helps graham

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Thanks Graham, Thanks for the info.
I can’t find TLM on ebay but would appreciate if you could point me in the right direction. I’m going to use the old cup/cone for now so I can have a rolling chassis. Converting the lower one would be ideal as there’s only one of the cones showing wear.

hi the title for tlm on ebay is tlmnijmegen the item is listed as Moto Guzzi bearingset v50 the price is £57.77 plus £17.37 post
i would be willing to let you have 1 cup and bearing from the set i purchased from gutsibits for £40 or both for £75 their price was around £140
bye graham

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Hi Graham, Just to let you know I have just put the first bit of the numerous bike parts I have back together and it is the steering head bearings. I’m well chuffed and everything fits just right. I picked up a dust seal from bearing-king.co.uk
Thanks for your help and indeed selling me the parts.

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