Anyone know if all the internal assembly on this model are the same as a V50
Do you have Guzziology? That gives details of rear drive ratios etc between different models, or you can get the manuals and parts books to check for ratios.
Thanks Don
Yes I have the books etc. I see how to remove the the inner sleeve of the bearing on the final drive output shaft, but on my mine it has a hardened shim fitted that has a larger diameter than the inner bearing sleeve, making it difficult to engage my crankshaft bearing puller under the sleeve, just wondered if all the small block models were the same, if so how do you overcome this problem?
I had a hell of a game with dismantling my V50 ii rear drive to send for powder coating. I don’t know if you have come across it but on the main shaft there is the slimmest wire clip acting as a circlip that I could not see despite online help. Drove me crackers trying to get the bushing off…close up in second photo!
Good info mate, maybe it’ll help me ?
Re your first questions, bevels are much the same, but pinion bearing, the one closer to the big wheel, in case of V65 should be modified - initially , like V50, both pinion bearings were the same, later as the abovementioned one shown its limitations, it was replaced with a bigger one. Got details of both sizes if you need?
Not sure what you mean ?
Well, my fault: not “should be”, just “was”. Was modified. So early bevels have two the same bearings supporting pinion,then some time(and cc) later one bearing got bigger - which wasn’t full success, as I remember killing it on V65:)
Not sure about the bearings, but managed to get the crown wheel one off. The bolts that hold the crown wheel on are proving to be very tight, just checked The Old Tractor site for torque values, looks like 72ft/lbs , anyone able to back this value up. I would just like to renew the large oil seal while I have it in bits but need to undo those bolts to achieve this.
I’ve done the revised oiling upgrade for the pinion carrier bearings as per Dave Richardsons book.
Sorted, rattle gunned em
Wow, not everybody has Dave Richardsons book to hand, would you share with us what is his method of the oiling upgrade. Possibly some photos while you have things apart?
I’ve had Dave’s book for many years due to my long term ownership of a brilliant Guzzi 1980 T3
Will get back to you , but not today as I’m very busy, also I’m not very computer wise , but hopefully I can give you some idea of the upgrade, it’s all very simple really
Here are a couple of pics of the upgrade
The top one has the shim flipped over to make a well for the oil to transfer to the pinion bearings
Second pic shows the position to drill the quarter inch hole
Hope this is clear , fairly straight forward really
Cheers Chilly

Easy upgrade indeed , will go that way as soon as next pinion bearing failure happens:)
Yes indeed, just need the drill the hole so it feeds between the two bearings