V7 Stone. Offered to me. Scared it's dodgy.

Someone I know has this plus a Justin Bieber Vespa. He has a haulage company and says it has sat there for months. He has offered me the two for £ 3500. Any ideas how I proceed to keep myself legal? Thanks.

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you need to see the registration documents, or if they have not been registered then the import and delivery documents
check frame and engine numbers match the documents
dont try to start the machines in case they have no oil in or have not been prepped for the road
look for missing parts, or nuts and bolts that have been tampered with
brand new bikes should have a paint mark on the nuts and bolts to show they have been torqued
you could try emailing Piaggio UK
but either way they are going to need prepping and registering,


Does it have a delivery note, someone must have ordered it?
Presumably it’s on it’s way to a Dealership and doesn’t belong to the haulage company to sell!

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It may be bankrupt stock, my daughter used to work for an auction house they often sold new un registered motor vehicles from dealers that had failed or been closed by the tax people

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Thanks for the help. The trail has gone cold after I started asking questions so I guess if it looks too good to be true, then be very careful. Ray

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Thanks for the help. The trail has gone cold after I started asking questions. I’ve now put the whole idea to one side. It kept my mind busy for a week or so. Ray

Although it might have seemed like a bargain it sounds like you dodged a bullet there.
If people cannot or will not answer straight forward questions openly and honestly then be very wary. It could land you in trouble.

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