V85 TT Evocative screen

Is the taller screen worth getting to replace the standard evocative small screen…does it make a real difference ?cheers, SDA

i have both screens, the touring screen caused really bad buffeting which was mostly solved by fitting a cheapo chinese extension (there’s a photo in another thread). it’s not bad once you add the spoiler on.

I’ve put the short screen on about a month ago for the first time and before the weather warmed up it wasn’t great, lots more wind noise but on the plus side no buffeting of helmet at all. for lower speeds/warmer weather i prefer it, just feels more sporty.

I found i can go faster when commuting with the bigger screen because it does keep more wind blast off, but it’s less fun when going for b road twisties than the short screen, might be psychological, probably is. touring screen definitely better in winter if you ride all year.

if you want to buy a taller screen though I would look at madstad which have screen height options based on rider size, and givi because they do screens with air vents in that prevent buffeting.

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Thank you for the input

That’s pretty much what my experiences are. I went for the scedem? screen which looks similar to the travel but has better aerodynamics. Advrider has a whole thread dedicated to V85TT screens. I am pretty convinced that the tank blocking discs are good for reducing buffeting. You have to to try a few things to find what works for you.


Upgraded to Powerbronze screen with a cheap chinese spolier and also fitted the tank buffers.
Im gradually changing the angle of spoiler and not as intense.
Low OEM screen ideal for summer and lower speeds although travel up north fairy regular and also european riding with mates.
As such generally keep taller screen attached although have now worked out how to tilt the screen. Ill continue to try different set up and report back if anything significant.

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Thank you , I’ll prob try a taller screen at some point

A friend who also has a V85TT is letting me try - and keep it if I like it - a taller, Powerbronze screen. It’s in the post. I need to try it before a forthcoming trip to the Alps, which will involve 4 x 250 mile days to get there and back. Those will be on the motorway, and that’s what I want it for. For most of my riding - B and unclassified roads at no more than 50-60 mph - I’m happy with the original screen.
I’ll report back when I’ve tried it.


I used the powerbronze screen with additional spoiler on a trip to Scotland. Im 6’ tall and found it ideal ,especially having to cover 700 motorway miles.
Certainly reduced a lot of buffeting and still allowed a view over the top. Along with the adjustment of angle of screen, was easy to use flexibillly.

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Thank you , I’ve just fitted the winglets from France, and they make a noticeable difference, which is good

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I’ve now tried the taller Powerbronze screen, with added spoiler. The ‘test’ included a 270 mile day doing the National Road Rally last weekend. It cuts out a lot of the wind and allows higher speeds with less effort. There is some low frequency rumbling, so I’ve ordered the winglets / ‘mouse ears’ as well. They won’t arrive in time for the Alps trip, but the set-up without them should be adequate for the motorway work we’ll be doing.
FWIW I’ve got the screen tilted back by about 70-80% of the available travel, and the spoiler points slightly forward, rather than beingparallel to the screen.


I found tilting my taller screen forwards most of the way and the spoiler somewhere in the middle worked for me.
It took a lot of riding up and down and adjusting until I got the right position and it must be different for every screen and height of rider (and even helmet?).