V85TT Gear change

My bike is having problems changing down and it is caused by the lever not returning. If I slightly lift the lever after a down change it will go in on the next. The pivot bolt for the gear lever is greased and free. This does not happen on all changes and seems worse on lower gears. No problems changing up. Any advise please.

I had exactly this problem, with the same way of lifting it a bit and then it would change down. I had to ride to work starting in 2nd and when I got there I couldn’t get lower than 4th and it was difficult :-/

the linkage has a bronze bushing on that pivot with seals at each end, this had dried out, the linkage was stripped down and regreased at the dealer and it’s back to normal.

I did look into other possible problems which would have been a lot more hassle but turned out to be a simple fix.

Although your pivot bolt is greased, the symptoms you have are so exactly like mine I still feel it’s linkage needing stripped and regreased.

really hope it is this simple and not something else !

also, the day I took it to the dealer I jet washed it, the water getting into the linkage alleviated the problem enough that the ride to the dealer I had all the gears as normal…

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I’ve had the same problem 3 times now, I think I’ll report it to VOSA because I think it’s dangerous
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