V85TT Heated Grips, integrated, and on the cheap!

So I had seen a few posts suggesting that the V85TT has - as standard - already got the controls and part of the harness in place for you to add the heated grips yourself. Also, of course we all have the button on the left switchgear (those without heated grips probably wonder what the button does because it has no effect at all unless you connect the grips…). It’s this button (number 11):
LH switchgear.JPG
So, I decided to give it a go :bulb: I had read that the Oxford Premium Touring Grips are the right size, and they’re currently on offer at Sportsbikeshop: https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/101830

So I ordered a set and they arrived speedily:
the grips.jpg
The grips themselves are straight forwards to fit. Once you pop off anything that may be obstructing the bar end (barkbusters), I popped a thin screwdriver under the existing rubber grips, and squirted a bit of WD40 in as a lubricant, and the old grips slid off the bars easily (I did not want to cut them as the Oxford instructions say, in case I ever wanted to refit them). The LH Oxford grip slid onto the handlebar easily, but the throttle side took some “gentle persuasion” :astonished: - be prepared to put those gym memberships to good use :laughing: . Likewise the LH grip needed gluing on (glue supplied with the Oxford kit), the throttle one was so tight, I did not use glue. Don’t push the throttle side on too far as it may stick slightly against the housing - DAMHIK - leave a 3 or 4mm gap.

You’ve probably already removed the fuel tank for other reasons, there’s plenty of guides on t’internet if you need them. Fortunately I did not need to remove the tank completely, with the 3 mounting bolts removed, I could raise the tank enough to remove the small plastic panel (4 crosshead screws) on the RH side (the cable cover fastened to the frame immediately behind the steering head), and reveal the connectors Moto Guzzi had kindly supplied:
the bike connectors.jpg
Now the only job left (assuming you have by now routed the cables from the grips) is connect the Oxford grips to the bike. you’re going to use the bikes existing controller (preinstalled) and the button on the LH switchgear, so you can leave this stuff in the box!.. However you now need to connect the Oxford grips to the bike’s harness. I did not want to splice into the Guzzi harness, so I managed (after much internet hunting) to sourced the “Molex” connectors:
the connectors.jpg

I struggled to find a source for Molex in the UK initially, but found them on RS Components:
the plastic connector: https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/wire-housings-plugs/6794849
the pins: https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/crimp-contacts/1786907p/?cm_mmc=UK-PPC-DS3A--google--3_UK_EN_Connectors_Crimp+Contacts_Phrase--Molex±+1786907P±+02-06-6103--02+06+6103&matchtype=p&kwd-31454910629&s_kwcid=AL!7457!3!526738553671!p!!g!!02%2006%206103&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI47TXlof_8wIVDpftCh17wgkzEAAYASAAEgISFfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

I cut the Oxford connectors from the Heat Controller. I used these to make short fly-leads, with the Oxford connector at one end, and the Molex connector at the other. This meant I could plug into the bike harness without any modification to the bike itself:
the harness in place.jpg

And that’s it! Put the bike back together. As soon as the connections are in place, and the ignition is turned on, you get the blue symbol on your dashboard telling you it can “see” the grips!
the console.jpg
It’s just 8 degrees here today, so I nipped out for a spin with my summer gloves on. On setting 1, it’s only just noticeable. On setting 2 it’s more than enough heat. On setting 3 it’s really toasty (the Guzzi integrated controller has 3 settings whereas the Oxford controller we scrapped has 5 settings).

There’s a rumour I have seen on the internet that the Guzzi does not power the grips until 2000 rpm to save load on the electrical system. I can’t say one way or another but they don’t seem to warm up as quick on tickover…

Delighted! Warm hands, looks just like factory fit, without the muttly Oxford controller, and at a fraction of the cost of MG originals :wink:

Hope this helps someone…



This is a video on installing Genuine grips, which will help you with fuel tank removal etc… He takes the tank off completely (the full genuine Guzzi kit includes a new throttle twistgrip you need to install, but with the Oxford one you do not need to fully remove the tank)

If you look at 3:15 on the video, you will see he’s lifted the tank without removing the hoses - that’s all you need to do…
Then at 3:55 you’ll see he’s removed the panel to access the heated grip connectors on the harness…

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Thanks MartinK.
Very helpful and the links to RS saved a lot of time.
Useful bit of info for anyone fitting Oxford Hot Drips.
The throttle OD is 26mm and the Hot Grip ID I’d 25mm.
Hence the work needed to fit the grip.

An excellent post and a neat money saving solution.

I’d be interested to know how the heat level compares, the MG stock items are not really hot enough in the depths of winter.

By the way, the heated grips button has another function, if you have your phone linked up it activates voice assistant. Press and hold to activate, a confirmation message is shown on the info panel on the dash in the same area for “intercom activated” appears.

Very handy if you are on a motorway and need to call someone without stopping, also useful for starting music as you can stop playback from the right hand controls but not start it.

Cheers sidthedid - I use my phone on my Garmin GPS, and don’t connect my phone to my bike, so I wasn’t aware of that function.
My Oxford grips still work great! I rode 330 miles, Devon to Cumbria last winter, temps as low as 1 degree (it was snowing and the snow was settling on the hard shoulder!). My hands were not cold, but I did have some “muffs” on, and I never used the grips above the second setting. On L3 they would be too hot for me!

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New 85TT owner. SW Scotland
So I don’t have to fit the MotoGuzzi heated grips. As the dealer specified.
I’m also looking for a pin out wiring diagram for the spot light connector.

Great write-up, thanks very much! Just a couple of questions… Did you wire the socket housing or the plug housing to the snipped off Oxford connector? Also, is polarity an issue when installing the pins into the Molex housings? I’m away from the bike right now, or I would go and look…

EDIT: Just seen from your link, you ordered socket housings :blush:

I’m still unsure about polarity though. I’ll have a look tomorrow and finish my fly leads off then.

Hi Mr B
From memory the polarity is easy once you locate the bike’s connectors. Other than that’s just to be sure you could connect a circuit tester and look for the 12v feed. It looks like ethe earth is the triangular side of the connector, and the positive is the square side…
Hope that helps

Thanks for that, will do!

I have just done the install of the Oxford Hot Grips but with the engine running, I am getting a flashing heated grips sign that I can toggle through the 3 settings but it’s only heating the left hand grip. Any ideas what’s going on?

I never had that sorry can’t help

flashing is to tell you there is a fault with 1 or both grips.

youll have to test circuit or replace the faulty grip

mine does the same thing, only 1 grip working on mine now

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