V85TT screen

I’m 6ft and find the stock screen gives really bad wind noise, I’ve made different adjustments including adding the Palmer Products mount which helped a little but the screen sits way too high and looks odd. I tried the Puig touring screen with deflector which helps with noise but causes buffeting so I decided to remove screen and brackets and it’s made a huge difference. Yes there is wind noise but not excessive, no buffeting at all, also I quite like the look of it.


Don’t overlook the fact that a contributor to the buffeting is the channels on either side of the tank at the front.

Many people fit various designs of wind deflectors at the top of the channels which can cause a major reduction in the buffeting and hence the screen performance and noise etc.

I’ve heard mixed reviews on the wind deflectors. I’ve tried a few options but still need to look at others. Thank you for your feedback.