Wiring in the West.

I have an Ambassador that I have pretty much rebuilt, but have stalled on the rebuild and need a bit of help to re spark my enthusiasm.
I have a full wiring harness for it and have it pretty much laid out correctly, I think, but I would like a competent wiring whiz to go over it and do the joining up, so I am confident it is all hunky dory.

Does anyone know of such a god in Cornwall?

The only thing I miss about living in Cornwall is the lack of services and the multitude of things to do and see - apart, that is, from the incredible scenery and lack of the squit that goes with up country. If I was still in Leicestershire I could have someone fix me bike in a jiffy!

According to that cop show Wycliffe it’s made out to be like an exotic foreign country :smiley:

My wife loves Cornwall, we stayed for a week in St Just in June for our wedding anniversary. Now if you were to open up a room as Air B&B for a few nights, I could persuade her to have another mini break and then I could come and help you with the re-wire. :smiley:

I hadn’t touched my Ambassador project since September till yesterday when a friend with knowledge came to stay. A misplaced wire on the ignition switch fixed and a press of the button and a huge spark from somewhere! A second try and nothing!! Greg Benders relay clicking and nothing else. A poke about revealed a loose nut on the solenoid. Tightened and another press and bingo the engine turned over and the pistons didn’t even hit the valves either! Then check for spark - no spark - points closed -adjust points and spark! I was elated and my mojo is back. I have no lights or exhaust connected yet, and have not rechecked the timing, but now there are vital signs I know I can do the rest. My bike will live and breath before Spring in all it’s colourful clothes.

I need to source some down pipes, new clips for the distributor cap, another mounting piece for the police stand, which I have lost, if anyone has any for sale.

Oh, and can you powder coat silencers, the chrome is knackered on one of mine, but otherwise they are good.

I don’t think powder coat will stand up to the temperature. The baffles in the loop silencers mean that the front bit gets pretty hot. If you want a cheap option, just buy some heat resistant paint and do it yourself. If you want a better job, I had mine (on Spada) blasted to get the flaky chrome off, then metal-sprayed with aluminium, then heat-resistant black. They were done by one of our suppliers at work (Pym & Wildsmith in Uttoxeter), but you may find a local place that can do it. The finish seems quite durable so far.

Some exhaust pipes here John - http://www.ebay.de/itm/Moto-Guzzi-V7-special-1970-Kruemmer-Abgaskruemmer-Auspuff-/282628178838

Thanks for posting.
I reckon they are a bit pricey.
I have down pipes but they are v rusty. I have a new pair of chrome fish tails that came on my Eldorado, but it turned out that battery acid had removed the chrome on one.
As my Ambassador is a bit funky, I thought I would use the fish tails, but want to do something with the bare metal where they have peeled.
I might just go with black high temp paint till I find something better.

I went the black HT paint route for at least 10 years after the chrome started to go west, a can each year did the pair, not concourse of course but smart enough and durable. Good luck

Pym’s charged me £65 to blast and paint my complete Spada system so not outrageous. I know you’re a long way away, but courier is not expensive if you can’t find anyone local.

Ha - I had my first ever holiday with my girlfriend in St Just. Rode down there on my A10 with my pal and his gal on an ex plod Saint. My Beezer expired terminally somewhere around Plymouth on the way home. We towed up to Exeter where we put the girls on the train with has much luggage as they could manage. Then we towed home to Chelmsford through the night.

Still got the gal (long suffering Mrs B), still got the bike. Don’t see so much of the mate these days.