Wiring woes.

Morning. Wiring is coming along nicely thanks to my multi skilled friend. He’s putting a 750 Targa back on the road himself!
I’m having to use an aftermarket switch for the start button and kill switch on my V35 for the moment. Does anyone have a spare male plug to match the one in the pictures or failing that, know what size the bullet connectors are?

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they are molex connectors, if that helps. generally available from Gutsibits and Vehicle Wiring products (these being two sources that i have used, others surely exist). the molex pins benefit from use of a ‘special tool’.


The “special tool” is a thin walled tube that fits just inside the plastic plug/socket and pushes back the ears on the metal contacts that hold them in the plastic part.

As Barry said Gutsibits have them and the metal pins etc click here


Sometimes I’m just too keen to head for fleabay :wink:
I’ll order from Gutsibits. Just looking for anything else to add while I’m here.
Thank you both :+1:

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I got the tool from Fleabay. It was, as I recall, somewhat pricy new and I only needed it for one job. I then passed it on to another Guzzi owner working with the same connectors.


molex are used in pc building and are cheap, so are the tools to pop pins out.

any pc parts place like overclockers.co.uk will sell them as will places like rs spares.

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I used these for my speedo cable

Just trim panel mount off


Bugger, cheaper than I paid.

If You are still in need and if as your name suggests you are on the south coast, i have the molex kit with Insulators, Terminals and special tools. Im in Chichester.

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Nik, Neil is in Cornwall :+1:

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Thanks Nik, I didn’t realise the 4 way connector for the kill switch was molex so I bought one through Gutsibits. A friend who’s doing some rewiring for me had bought the ones he needed along with the tool. Appreciate your offer though.
(Netley) Neil.
PS. I ran a shop in Netley Abbey some years back and a friend used to call me Netley Neil and it stuck. I am now in Cornwall.

Awaiting some wires…

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Cool, glad you’re sorted!

Neil, you could cut back the surplus of the jubilee clips on the carb manifold rubbers and file off any sharps. If they are stainless, no problem. If they are zinc plated they will need the cut end painted with some zinc rich primer or they will rust. Or you could just leave them as they are!

The build is looking good :+1:

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Good point, well made.
Thanks Chris.

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Which one the jubilee clips or the build looking good? :innocent:

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Jubilee clips :+1:

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