Hello everyone,
I would be grateful if anyone could sanity check my charging troubleshooting steps with my ‘82 850 T4.
- Initially I found I had a battery which wouldn’t hold charge and failed a load test.
- New Gel battery, was showing 13.01V, 12.7V with the engine running at idle, 12.3V at 3000 rpm.
- Checked the main earth, most of the wiring connections. Cleaned a couple of connections
- 1.8W battery indicator bulb is working.
- Checked the voltage at the 3 yellow phase outputs on the stator, 0.5V AC.
- Checked the resistance of each phase at 1.1 - 1.2 ohms.
- tested the Electrex regulator/rectifier which passed unloaded and at 200W. This of course tested the wiring up to the male block connector with 3 Yellows, brown, black and orange.
- I’ve checked continuity from the female block connector back to the 3 Yellows, brown and black at the stator.
- haven’t checked the orange connector forward from the regulator/rectifiier.
- lifted the brushes off the rotor and tested the slip ring resistance at 3.4 ohms.
- The soldered joints on the stator look ok.
I’m suspecting the stator still and the last test I have in mind is to start the bike, run a connection directly from the battery +VE to the brown connector on the stator and test the AC voltage outputs at the stator.
Does anyone have any other suggestions?Have I missed anything?
Thanks in advance everyone.