Beeline Moto II

The Beeline moto II landed on my doorstep on Friday. Just been out on a familiar run and the Moto II is far more intuitive. The original Moto was a fine little gadget for assisting with navigation, just to confirm our decisions for a route we’d already researched. However the Moto II is a real leap forward. It shows deviations in the road layout, and has impending turn alerts in blue LED.


Can you provide any screen shots and an approximate cost? Does the unit need to be hard wired and how did you mount it?

I’ve got mine on order from sports bike shop. Ordered it in April for a May delivery but then got an email saying it won’t be available before June 28th :woman_shrugging: The season might be over before I get it but I’m pleased it’s getting such good reviews. I’ve paid £179.99 for it. Can’t wait to get it.

It has a 30 hr battery life and charges with a modern phone USB lead. There is one free mount that uses O-rings to clamp round the handlebar. I have bought seperate miirror mounts, mean less eye focus away from the road. You tube video coming.

I was one of the 1st 200 kickstart backers, so mine was among the 1st off the shelf. You’ll love it.

@Cabernet - looking forward to the video. Currently I use a Ram phone mount and Waze bluetooth to my helmet so be interested to see how this differs. Cheers.

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I currently have a mark 1 version and while I`m quite happy with it the mark 2 seems to be a decent improvement . Here is a link to a review that gives a big thumbs up :-

Dont expect it to be as good as a dedicated ( but more expensive) sat nav but for 95% of the time its all you need and they really couldnt be easier to attach and use.
I`ll probably sell my old one and get a mark 2 .

I have had the Beeline 1 for more than 1 year and I am sure that this new version is much better
Unfortunately, it was not cheap and unlikely I will spend more money on it.
Did you sell yours and buy the new one or do you have both now?

I have both, but will likely gift the Beeline original.

I’m still waiting for mine, ordered the grey metal one, hopefully it’ll arrive this month😊

Was you a kickstarter backer too? They’re getting priority.

Yip, I was a kickstart backer, have also ordered the charging kit

I got my Moto II a few days ago. I had some problem s with the mounting conversion from my old mirror mount (it doesn’t unscrew like they say old ones should), but they have accepted their instructions were at fault and are now sending me a new mounting. So no complaints. On the road it is much, much, easier to use than the old one.

The mirror mount was a phaff, but it did swap over.

Video as promised. Sorry, I do not have a camera mount on a Guzzi. Turn the volume down when the key goes in. The engine echos through the tank.

I was thinking about trying to find a review of the Moto 2 just this morning, so this is great timing.

How good is it in bright sunshine.
I currently use an old Tomtom in a case and if the sun is over your shoulder pretty much impossible to see


Hi Tris,

It was pretty bright on that day and I did not have the angle adjusted very well for the camera, but as you can see it was OK. I do not think any projective screen does well in sunlight compared to a map. Like a map does not so will in the dark compared to a projective screen. But I am happy with the screen when properly adjusted. I also prefer the mirror mount to the basic mount shown or the handlebar mount. The mirror mount keeps the traffic ahead better in my peripheral vision.

Thanks, that helps a lot.

I did notice that towards the end you were on a dual carriage and it wanted you to turn right onto the overpass where there was no junction from the DC
Is that a new road that the system didn’t know about, or us is it slow to re-route sometimes?


The A57 and M67 run parallel at that point. A phone using google maps would make the same error for the same duration. It did re-route prior to the slip road, once there was enough deviation from the A57 after the overpass.

Just used my Moto 2 for the trip down to Mandello - have to say I was very impressed - one misdirection that was probably my fault for misreading the display but in 1800 miles its been superb and the best sat nav I have ever used on a motorbike. And in case you’re wondering I’m not an investor or employee of beeline :thinking: