Clacking noise,sounds bad

Hello all,
After recently having tappets looked at my Cali EV has began clacking and banging,emanating from the engine.
I reckon its going to die.Any ideas.This is not a good day.

Sounds like whoever did the tappets left one or more locking nuts loose.

I suggest you stop riding it now and check the tappets yourself - I bet the problem will be obvious.

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We’re assuming there was no funny noises before the tappets were ‘looked at’. :roll_eyes:

Thanks Steve,
Will take rockers off tomorrow. But noise is now clacking deep down.
I take it that by tightening the lock nut could resolve problem?

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The guy who did the tappets is an established engineer.
He said it should be allright( sic).
They were still ticking after the " fix", but now a few weeks later,deep in the engine it is clacking ,yet the bike still goes ,but the clacking appears to be more regular.
I thank you for your reply.

Ah, you didn’t say it was a few weeks ago. After that time it might have nothing to do with the tappets. However, you have nothing to lose by checking them. After all, it is the most recent work on the engine.

You also didn’t say the noise was “deep down”. That is a bit more worrying. Do you think you could make a recording of it so we can hear it?

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How do I grab a video from my gallery and send it to you?

Personally I put them on YouTube and then post a link.

Don’t send it just to me - I don’t have enough experience with Moto Guzzis and we want as many experts as possible to listen to it.

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Does sound more complicated! :worried:

Been there when I first collected my 1100i. One side was so loose that the push rod dropped out of the rocker arm.

Stop riding! Hopefully no damage done so far. If it is, in fact, tappets, then either the tappets are loose i.e. lock nuts not torqued up, or the gaps were set with the crank in the wrong place. Or the adjuster could have moved when torqueing up the locknut.

I don’t use the window in the bell housing to look for timing marks. Simply remove the plugs, put it in a suitable gear and rock the engine forwards until both valves close. I VERY carefully use a probe (long enough not to drop into the cylinder) to carefully feel for TDC (Top Dead Centre i.e. piston at its highest).

Then I set the clearance, tighten the locknut whilst holding the adjuster still, then check and re-check. Sometimes takes 2 or 3 attempts to get it just right after tightening the locknut.

Do the same on the other side i.e. TDC on compression stroke.

Then covers on, plugs in and restart. A light click-clack from the tappets is normal (always were noisy except for the hydraulic tappet models).

Then re-balance the throttles for a super-smooth ride. :grinning:

Just a thought. Were the rockers removed to check cylinder head bolt torques? If so, you need to get back to basics and check everything again.

Banging does not sound like valves at all. However, if you are down to one cylinder due to valve clearance problems it will sound like a bag of nails anyway.

Good luck.

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Sudden afterthought.

You do not say what year it is. If it is a hydraulic tappet model (2002 - 2005) a factory recall campaign locked the rocker arm adjusters “for life”. Any mistaken later attempt to re-adjust will cause havoc. From the top end the hydro-model rocker arms look “conventional” to the inexperienced eye.

You can check on factory recalls via the VIN.

If the camshaft is shot, then the sump oil will give away the sad evidence of cam filings :slightly_frowning_face:

BUT! I am guessing. The VIN should identify engine type and history.

If the worst materialises:

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Thank you Stoneman,
Your contribution is much appreciated.
The Cali EV was registered in 2000.
Would this ebay engine fit?
The machine is going to the engineer tomorrow.
I will let you know the outcome.
Many,many thanks.

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If it is a 2000 EV it is basically a renamed 1100i with the MK1 fuel injection and ECU. Also slightly lower gearing than the 2002-2005 models. You can distinguish the earlier models by having fuel taps gravity feeding a fuel pump next to the battery. (Yes. I know. Neat thinking to put all of those fuel connections under the riders bum). You would also have a pressure regulator underneath the tank and an oh-so-fiddly fuel return line at the front of the tank above the frame. (BTW. I inserted a quick release coupling in the return line. It makes tank removal and refitting so much easier).

Yes. The engine would physically fit, but then you might have to fit the later tank with internal fuel pump, filter and regulator. Also sort the ECU and inlet manifold with injectors. Hardly worth doing unless your fuelling system is okay with the later engine. Dunno - I have never tried.

Hope that it ends up being one of the trivial causes.

The California rode ok to the garage.
It CLACKS at around 1800 rpm.When above that all is well,as was on mostly A roads and dual carriageways.
I will know tomorrow if its catastrophic or not.He suggests the tappets may need overhaul.
Thank you again.

Clacks at around 1800 rpm? Not lower or higher? You should be running between 2000 and 4000. Chugging along with these motors is not a good idea. It brings out the worst in the engine and transmission.

If it is valve clearances you will be able to tell at tickover.

Overhaul the tappets? How? All that there is to do is the adjuster and its locknut.

However. If the rocker arms have been off for, for instance, head bolt torquing, and not reassembled properly then all sorts of strange things can happen. I suggest that you ask to see it with the covers off so that you can see if there are any witness marks on the inside of the rocker covers, or other obvious problems like rocker arm spindles not properly locked in, missing or broken rocker arm washers and springs, etc.

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Hello again,
As you probably guessed,I have little knowledge of engines.
I delivered the Cali ,and he rang me with the news that the bike will have to await parts to fix the problem.
When I get the Cali back in five weeks or so,due to parts delivery, I shall inform you of the issue,when resolved.
Rather than submit a "word salad " again,I shall give info in due course.
Thanks for your time and understanding at this most unwelcoming situation.To be without at this time of year is…

So have you no idea what the problem is, then? If it were me my curiosity would have got the better of me.


Sorry Steve,
When I heard it was broke,and I had to wait a few weeks for its return,it was then that one switched off to the reasons and causes for its demise.
All will be good.

I suppose that the :elephant: in the room is trust in your engineer.

I also have to admit that we presume that everyone on the forum is up to the elbows in spanners and curiosity. :nerd_face: Some would be delving into the innards to find out. :hammer_and_wrench: We cannot all be like that.

I hope the matter resolves soon.

Hopefully your parts will get sent out before the Italian Shutdown. Usually July and August are dreadful in getting parts out of Italy. All the best.

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I know there was a scope inserted. I Know the cams are not damaged. I know the parts coming from Italy in a month or so.
Everything is crossed,that by the end of August I will be riding again.
Enjoy your GUZZI freedoms,and on this concluding I will comprehensively add to this thread the details of the works involved.
Much appreciation.