Just wondering if others are having issues like me with their new/low mileage V7
After rain my hi-beam flickered on and off (dangerously confusing traffic on a dark road), hi-beam stayed on then returned to main-beam.
Impossible to change gear after first starting and pulling away in the morning. Dangerous wen you pull out on the road and are completely unable to change up and the traffic is hooning down on you!
Black finish peeling from end-cans (stone version)
Occassionaly the neutral light/gear indicator gets stuck on neutral no matter the gear I am actually in.
Very often the start button will not register or it kind of hiccups before getting going.
Now done 1350 miles… Not overly chuffed. Kind of waiting to see what happens next.
Love the ride, love the look but the whole point of buying it was as a regular commuter because my other Guzzi were becoming a bit stressed as daily’s and developing niggles. I ended up buying off the peg niggles!
I’m sorry to hear about your problems with the bike. I also rely on mine to commute, so can relate.
I also had a problem with the high beam not working or being erratic, but I managed to trace it to a faulty USB cable connected to the switched port under the seat which I’d installed to run my phone. I’m also wondering if you may have a fault with the instrument cluster, given your other problems? Maybe taking it to the dealer, as it should still be under warranty?
The gear selection improved a lot on mine once I’d covered about 2k, and I now have no problems at all. Maybe wait a while as things bed in? The paint on the end cans seems a bit thin, although mine rubbed off because of my previous panniers rubbing against them. I’ve not had any peeling, although I have seen people report paint coming off the Stone, but on the down pipes. Again, the warranty should cover it.
Good luck with getting things fixed.
I had some great change issues with mine which i ignored. Needed a new clutch after 2000 miles, MG not interested as i was a month out of warranty.
There seemed to be two problems. I hadn’t adjusted the clutch cable at the lever regularly. Secondly the push rid was sticking where it goes in at the back. Servicing with a Guzzi specialist would’ve checked that. But during lockdown i just went round the corner.
It was very expensive to fix. No problems since then. Apart from the indicators which regularly fail, have to take the switch apart, blue on it and put it back together. Ditto the brake light, but that’s just the bulb connection. And the mirrors that work loose and need a 21mm to tighten. Love the bike though.
Thank you for sharing! I appreciate the shared experience and will see how I should take this forward as I purchased the bike from Colchester but i live west of Glasgow. We shall see!
Warranty rules state that we can use our round the way prefered local mechanic as long as they use OEM and recommended products? No?
Anyway, 2000 miles and a new clutch!! Wild. Fingers crossed. I got a new one to prevent my older models suffering the strain of a daily commute. Based on what you’ve reported I could have saved myself the ££’s and just spent more keeping an older girl going.
We shall see!
I’m very sorry to hear about all the agro you’re experiencing with the bike. As GodBotherer pointed out, my understanding also is that the work doesn’t need to be done by MG to keep the warranty valid.
If this clutch failure was recent and if you have evidence, you might have a case against either the mechanic or MG. You might be able to get legal advice or representation either through your motor or home policy, if you have legal cover. Or write in to the bike lawyer at MCN or Ride. If you have a case and they publish it, you might embarrass MG into a goodwill payment. I only mention this because I know that the clutch replacement is a big and expensive job.
When you mention the indicators, do you mean the controls not working? I had mine replaced under warranty, although you can probably remedy that yourself by opening it up and applying contact cleaner. As for the mirrors, I get that too but it’s to be expected with a viby v-twin. But it’s a small price for such a lovely engine!
Yes the indicator controls stop working every now and then, just need a spray.
Thanks for the suggestions about the clutch issue. It’s some time ago now and I’ve kind of got over it, but thought it worth pointing out those two contributory failings.
I take it to a specialist now (Max Vanoni in Putney), but not a main dealer. Same with my old Yamaha. Peace of mind.
Sadly I had a litany of problems with my V7 Mk II. Engine and gearbox paint fell off very quickly, I replaced 2 speedos, major issues with the lambda sensors leaning the bike out to the point where it stalled, cured by removing them. Indicator switch was a bit hit and miss occasionally, but indicator bulb holders themselves are pretty poor and need regular attention. Poorly earthed regulator burnt out after 20k miles and weirdly both the gearbox and bevel box vent caps clogged up with rust and had to be replaced. After 60k miles it developed an electrical fault which stopped the engine - after 8 weeks of very detailed electrical diagnostic work, I couldn’t find the fault and the bike is now being broken for spares. Lovely bike but dispiriting to own sometimes. Nevertheless I’ve replaced it with another one of similar vintage but a lot less miles and all is very good so far. All I can say is that Moto Guzzi brand loyalty is bombproof because we all keep going back to them…
Hi there
Yes, I’m getting the indicator problem on my 2024 V7 Stone SE and, during this last period, a difficulty of getting out of first into any other gear for a couple of hundred yards on setting off. Also have the starter button issue (sometimes fires, sometimes one dead response and the latest escalation being three ‘deads’ before a live response. Funny how as you get used to it starting eventually, you kind of start adapting to it.
Often poor quality is linked to an outside supplier working to a price, found the pannier rack chrome peeling on my new Calli, replaced under warranty no issue, 2 yrs later same again but now out of warranty!
All so consistently similar to my own. Any sense that there is acknowledgment from MG that these are faults from factory and have you heard of anyone getting a fix from them?
Well, I’m getting my speedo changed under warranty because of misting (but, I’m a bit sceptical that the episode won’t just be repeated with the new speedo). Oddly, the really quite bad condensation that also appears in the headlight and running light as soon as the ambient temperature drops to about 6 degrees C is considered ‘normal’ and is a specific exclusion in the warranty document. Hmm. Funny because it’s never been normal on any other bike I’ve had on the road since I was a teenager (and that’s a long time ago). And I wouldn’t like to see how bad it gets after an hour of riding in solid rain!