Bellagio banter 2017

We too listened to the thing about the newspaper in the trenches, (whilst stuck in the traffic en route to Bristol )
Blighty could do with a little of that spirit these days methinx…
Off to return van to work and ride home on the Beetle…suns out…the Dark Lord must have sent us a little…on approval…as they used to say when I collected stanps…

…[[[distant rumble of thunder]]] …There ye go Kate a few rays courtesy of a kink in the jetstream x
:wink: :sunglasses:

Ahhh Miko San the radio man!
Having been recently reminded that the scope of topics in here is not as limited as some areas of the forum, instead of pm-ing Jmee about possible solutions to his broadband connectivity issues down in Kernow, i wonder if you could lend a hand in helping him toward a solution?
…This is the blurb on the device i am using on de continento:

The NextG USB-Yagi antenna is designed to connect your desktop computer or laptop easily to any Wireless-B or Wireless-G or Wireless-N network via a USB connection. This extends the wireless connection up to 4km in an open field. The 18dBi directional Yagi antenna is driven by the new USB WiFi power amplifier that provides more distance and better speeds than other wireless adapters in the market. This antenna delivers a remarkable RF sensitivity at a top speed of 300Mbps. <<<

Very nice too, but for a domestic installation instead of a traveling companion for campers i don’t think this will be up to his requirements, so have you any tricks in your box to offer in an effort to lend a hand here?

I have thought about this, and a more solid solution may be to consider a vodafone domestic package that enables him to retain his land line telephone number but achieve much improved broadband speeds and connectivity.

So here is link to have une bouchiers at : Clicky >>Vodafone Broadband Review | Is It Any Good?

Right, serious head on.
Is it possible to access the speedo sensor without removing the rear wheel?

Yes of course, it’s located externally and there are photos in the archive of this thread somewhere of this job…

Now my friend, this is to show you what a really nice guy i really must be, as i actu-lally put down my glass of vino collapso, and did a search on your behalf while on my hols while you are sat in fornt of that flickering screen all day with time to kill in between any actual productive work {wink) hehehe… Now rather than trawling through 1000,s of pages, i merely tapped in a google search of your query and turned this up in 1.0095 seconds with my trusty wi fi antenna

…The speedo & odo are driven by the input sent from the sensor mounted at the rear wheel between the CARC and the brake disc.The most vulnerable portion to water infiltration is right where the wire enters the small square sensor. The gap around the wire funnels water right into the sensor body, shorting out or interfering with the signal. If on the road and needing an emergency repair… you may be able to adequately spray that area with WD40, wipe it off throughly and then seal it with a dab of RTV or even nail polish if you can tap up a nearby female spectator for a loan of some, so you can finish your trip. Remove when back home with a small torx bit …(The sensor not the new g/f )… and clean & make a better seal… an epoxy sealant will make for a more permanent repair…

Ok buds i’m going back on the pissoir and rays now, have a great afternoon x :mrgreen:

Breathtakin’!!! jmee said a while back…‘What a difference a Dave makes’…dont you go bloody dissapearing again mon ami…x

{{{{ Mwahhhh xx }}}} Princesso :wink:

Glad to see normal service resumed… :smiley:

Hi Dave, I use Vodaphone on my mobile and they keep pestering me to switch broadband. I did actually talk to their rep and once he found out I had no access to the superfast network he said “no can help.” That hasn’t stopped them trying again and again to try to sell it to me though.

Hi ‘J’
Hmmm ok, but i kid you knott, when my current BT contract expires i will be going over to them and that will mean they will be my sole suppliers of (electronic) social contact! (other than my jungle telegraph) and the only blockage to an instant switch is that i pay my line rental up front annually and there is abt 6 months to renewal to tell them to G.F.Y.S. (loike)
…But do not dispair noble (adopted) son of the lizard, young Miko San is a bit of a closet whizz at these sort of probems, and he may have a solution up his sleeve…No, wait…I didn’t mean he’s a glue sniffer from potato land!
…Ohhh Fk. this man is a respectable dude! (muffled clattering) …sudden loss of sound and a strange flickering screen…Silhouttes on the curtains of a tussle in the studio…Yes! that’s fkn BT infinity fibre! .Ahhhrgghh :arrow_right:

…Hey there G4C :smiley: Yes, obviousy :wink:

Thanks for the help Dave, will try that this weekend.

Glad to help chap. :wink:

So do you reckon Vodaphone should be able to do something without fibre connection Dave?

NextG USB-Yagi Wi-Fi Antenna (cor what a mouthful) - no idea mate, but I agree with you, copper landline and broadband router I would have thought.

I don’t have superfast either, and if I wanted it, means getting someone in to dig trenches and so on to install it at ginormous expense no doubt, fortunately my afore-mentioned copper telephone wires do just fine, can watch videos in real time and everything.

'Course depends where you live, I’m on the outskirts of a decent-sized town (Boston Lincs) and not out in the absolute wilds, which apparently can still make a difference.

I’m with BT by the way. Don’t use their TV over the broadband service tho, only for computer stuff.

Television mast is visible from where the pub is up the road (or rather, it is in the dark, by its red navigation lights) so old fashioned aerial technology works fine for that.


Yes ‘J’ but you may consider it a slightly different approach to resolve your problem. I changed my mobile phone to a voodoo fone sim only bundle’ with them to give me 20Gig a a month data and unlimited minutes and texts for the princely sum of £23.00 per month.

The first thing to check is which provider give the best 4G cover for your location, this may be Vodo or it could be one of the other companies. Because you are living a rural area, it not unusual to experience poor coverage so as miko says, if you can see a mobile providers mast or tower, aywhere near you, theres a good chance you will be ok. What you do then is to use a thing called ‘tethering’ on yr fone to turn it into a modem that your pc will pick up and this will give you fast internet access.
This REALLY does work well, and 20G should be ample for your normal surfing or important internet connectivity needs, as no doubt you have conventional tv and don’t need to stream movies or entertainment…other than looking in here :smiley:

:laughing: Yus Miko,…even worse with a mouthful of paella!

Hmmmm reminds me of an old song ~ tra la laaa ~~~

Ok Fred, now youm a Yaga Yaga, OK Fred, bully for you - Hooo :blush:

…Well there ye go.
Some may say, why not just use the browser on the phone?
Personally, i prefer the functionality of my full on laptop to footling around with miniature keyboards and a smaller display sizes, and if i am home based for internet use, the laptop is the first port of call.